

Gabriele Brown



Gabriele Brown

Kipepeo, wangu hadimu means my unique butterfly…

Every trip has a story ……and I am writing mine!

On a quiet night in Africa when the moon was full, I heard a story that would change my life.

My life has become like a French movie (LOL). It all started when I retired from my job. I am so grateful that I now live my own self-created life, and I am so enmeshed in this out of the system that I find myself often forgetting that other people need to be in a particular location at a specified time. In contrast, my days are filled with a fluid movement of inspiration, connection, and choice, including uncertainty and fear.

The world is not that scary:

It looks as though no corner of the globe is safe. The point is that it's easy to conclude that the world is a scary place. But do you know what's scarier? 

.... you can't live your whole life in a bubble because you don't want to take any risks—here is my advice: Explore the world, and you'll soon see how beautiful the world is.

..... most people are inherently good. When you travel, you find out that these kinds of people aren't the minority: The world is full of good-hearted, honest, and kind people.

..... the best things in life are free. Good conversations with interesting people; gorgeous views in an exotic country; dancing in the rain; reading a book in a park — are free.

..... accept everyone for who they are — and where they are in life at that moment.

..... possessions do not equal happiness!

.....friends and family are invaluable. 

......you find the best places when you are lost. 

.....a smile is the same in any language. It doesn't matter if there is no common language among all people, and that's because a smile means the same in any culture. 

..... the world is the best classroom. I've met people with double master's degrees from the world's best colleges who are surprisingly lacking in the real-world knowledge department. I've also met people who dropped out of high school who can speak five different languages and can comfortably navigate any situation they find themselves in.

......think Positive. People say this all of the time, but how do we put it into practice? A little over a year ago, I was sitting on my favorite beach, Zanzibar, in Tanzania. I read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and—wow—did that book ever remind me of what I have to be grateful for.

What describes me in a nutshell. I have the following quote, by a Buddhist monk, on a sticky note on my computer. It’s a wonderful reminder to me of who I am, or rather, who I’m always striving to be…

Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

I love chatting about traveling, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa, Tanzania, volunteering, social enterprise, economic development, refugees, doumentary movies, photography, my grandkids, my sons, hiking, nature , adventure and among many other things. If I have learned anything in this life, it is the lesson of reciprocity. Whatever you give comes back to you. Reciprocate isn't about giving to get. It is about recognizing the abundance and power that we have, even when we feel a lack. So I work with what I have. And I give my best.

I think everything is a matter of the heart. I am very saddened by greed. I believe that generous people have more to offer. Music has saved me more than once. My most tremendous honor is being my son's mother. I think the best self-help is self-compassion. Money does not equal happiness. Acceptance of your reality. Simplicity in all things. The gift of giving.

I have a high spirit! A sense of adventure! I like to make a difference in people's lives. I practice compassion and love.

The things that I love…..

a sunset that glows hot pink before fading into lavender, the anticipation of a very fine meal, pleasurable silence, learning something new, a real letter in my mailbox, dissolving into a book or film, needing my passport, the smell of rain, gardenia, freshly brewed coffee, staying home, listening to music, arranging flowers in a vase, early mornings, watching sunrises and sunsets, walking in nature, hiking, mountains, beaches, adventure, waking up early, live in prefect harmony with all nations, culture and religions, respect our mother earth, all these things I love.

Things that are important to me….

keeping a secret, forgiving, a good cry, a real hug (not sideways kind), make new friends, keep old friends, unprovoked generosity, honesty,give more that then to receive, grateful,and integrity.

Things I like to do…..

meeting a friend or loved one at the airport, clean my house, yoga, buying unusually cloth, sleep, water, travel, fresh vegetable, laugh, nature loving, swim, speaking other languages, create art, dance.

Things that meld my heart….

Africa, Wildlife, Elephants, Giraffes and Zebras, Mountain climbing, the national anthem, peace, my two sons, my awesome grandchildren.

Things that are deep in my heart…..

my late husband, the love of my life, and because of him, I can follow my dreams, my parents, my family, my grandchildren, my friends.

I do not like…

lies, hate, toxic people, deception, pollution, disrespect, anger, drunk people, rudeness, entitlement, certainty, pretentious…..

What travel has taught me more than anything is that wherever I go, there I am? When I'm in a world where the only constant is me, it becomes spectacularly obvious where I struggle or thrive internally.

I can always be reached at info@urthsafari.com. I’m a bit slow to respond to blog emails, but I promise I have every intention to respond, and I would love to hear from you! You might also have better luck by sending me a Instragram message.

"Our thoughts become our actions, and our actions become our lives."

The earth has music for those who listen.

Gabriele Brown


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Safari Life

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